The Grace Notes had their very first class back in August 2015 and started in Lanarkshire with 12 wonderful members including some of our amazing Grace Academy team.
What started out as a small singing group for local women of all ages quickly became a genuine family and got bigger and bigger over the following years.
We launched the second iteration of The Grace Notes in Renfrewshire in January 2021 we have risen to over 100 members and we're still growing.
We open our doors to new members twice a year and are always excited to welcome new people in to the fold.
Our members have built lifelong friendships through the choir and regularly talk about how important the choir is to them not only as a passion or a hobby, but as an important part of their lives and their mental health.
During the pandemic, our Grace Notes family helped each other and the local community through what was a very tough period for everyone and really became something that we at the Grace Music Academy are extraordinarily proud of.
If you feel like it might be something you'd like to try, we offer everyone a free taster session so they can dip their toe in the water and see if it's for them.
We have Grace Notes groups in both Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire so if you're interested in joining or finding out more, click on one of the buttons below.