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We officially launched The Grace Notes Lanarkshire back in 2015 and it has been an amazing journey.    ​That first night we had 12 members and we didn't know if it would take off.​


We have a real passion for singing and as a result we are now 70 strong and continuing to grow.   We open our doors twice a year to new members.


But don't take our word for it - check out some of our member stories and hear first hand what singing in a choir can do for you. 


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We teach songs from every era.   We provide lyrics and musical files via a members only Dropbox so you can practice between classes.   Our choir brings women from every walk of life together.   


They tell us that for them the choir means

Friendship, Fun, Laughter and Love.

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We love the opportunity to perform.   It gives us something to work towards throughout the year.  Performing stretches us and the feeling we experience leading up to and after a performance is second to none.

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Since joining The Grace Notes, I've made so many good friends.   Some evenings we laugh more than we sing.

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I'm relatively new to The Grace Notes.   It's the best decision I made and I just love that we all work together to create something wonderful.   I'm going to try and push myself to do a solo soon....Wish me luck.

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I'm in the Mezzo section and it's been great understanding my voice and learning the warm ups and breathing exercises.   I'm so glad I joined.

VIDEO COMP - TGN Lanarkshire
Meet The Grace Notes Lanarkshire
TGN - Rehearsals 2019
The Grace Notes
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